- The school provides Urdu, Islamiat and Holy Quran from Nursery class and Arabic language from class VI.
- The school has well equipped computer lab, Social Studies Lab, Science Lab, Maths Lab and Home Science Lab.
- The school has well equipped library with 10,000 books of each subjects, Every student is allowed to borrow one book per week Reference books, periodical journal, magazines are also for the students and staff.
- K.K.G.P.S has a unique system of providing incentives and motivation to its bright students by awarding Merit Certificates, medals and shields.
- The school has a canteen that serves nutritious food items on cash payments at fixed rates.
- The school has a medical officer (part times). Parents are informed if doctor finds that a child needs special medical attention.
- All school books and other articles of stationary can be purchased from the school book shop (AZAD BOOK DEPOT).
- The school uniform can be purchased from the school uniform shop on Wednesdays and Thursdays between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm.